Saturday, April 05, 2008

Free at last... Free at last....

April 1st was just what it is purported to be, for fools to be let loose and those like me to get shocked out of their minds, if only for a moment. 

Court time at 9am and I barely made it in as only 8 hours earlier we had just returned from a 12 day trip to Taiwan. Jet lagged and exhausted I sat down and waited for the judge to go through her docket starting with those with last names beginning with an "A". Somewhere between J & V I fell asleep and woke up in time to hear my name being called an hour and a half later. 

The Prosecutor began with his recommendation for 30 days in jail, 4o hours community service, 1 year suspended probation and about 4 other penalties I didn't hear as my jaw had hit the floor. The judge noticed my perplexity and asked if this was what I was expecting and I replied that I thought it would be dismissed. The Prosecutor flipped through his files again and said, "No, I do not see anything that would warrant a dismissal." at which point I was getting nervous and frustrated. I explained the story again about the investigating officer reviewing the evidence and saying I was innocent. The Prosecutor looked again and found the officer's appended report and told the judge he would dismiss the case at which point she did. I walked out a free man. It seemed like one elaborate April Fool's Joke. 

Thanks for all of you who were praying and sending notes of encouragement. It's nice to know that so many trust my character and integrity. It is also a great joy to have a home church that was so supportive. Forum Boulevard Christian Church and it's Mission Committee were behind me and getting me help from Elton Fay, an attorney I have known in the church there since childhood. His appendicitis didn't prevent him from giving me good advice and counsel. 

Maybe now I can concentrate on more important things and update you on our amazing trip to Taiwan last week with 12 students from Central! (Just let me get over jet lag another day or two!)