Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sending Out

Just this Sunday I had the privilege of joining the church at Camp Point, Illinois in praying for and sending out Ryan & Lori Eidson to the Harvest in East Asia. This has been a long time coming. Lori had worked with me in Harvesters during her 4 years at Central and after graduating and marrying Ryan, they have been raising support for over two years.

Our alumni are wanting to go out into the harvest fields in greater numbers than ever before. The need is greater than ever before. God's plan and purposes are fulfilled through his people working together. I am discovering that recruiting is the easy part. Raising the support needed for them to be sent is the hardest. Especially knowing that even in the midst of an economic crisis, we are still the richest nation on earth and this blessing must be used to fulfill the great commission. Instead we increase our standard of living. But what about the lost, the poor, the oppressed? There are those willing to go out and make a difference. We need even more willing to send and support them.

Thankfully, Ryan & Lori have found enough partners to allow them to go. They depart on August 19.

Follow the Eidson's ministry by viewing their blog at: