Saturday, July 01, 2006

Did we say 'roller coaster' yet?

Everything seems to be going in the right direction and Dezi is planning on flying out on July 8th now. We received an email from Ted Skiles saying, "...the court has received the signed paper back from the prison where the mother is (meaning she received the court adoption contract), but they have not received the signed paper back from the prison where the husband (step-father) is (meaning he hasn’t received the court adoption contract yet). We don’t expect a problem, but we aren’t sure of timing. The court won’t issue the final paper until they get that signed paper back from the step-father’s prison." So please keep praying that all these steps will be fulfilled one by one as our Heavenly Father wills. Ted encouraged us to pray without ceasing as laying all our cares and concerns before his throne is the surest thing. Will you continue to pray with us about our adoption of Raena? Thank you....

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