Thursday, August 10, 2006

It takes time to adjust!

It has been awhile... time has flown by since our new addition, not that there hasn't been anything to write about. I will try and update more thoroughly over the weekend. For now...

Raena is doing really well and has adjusted to a new family very quickly. She has been testing her boundaries lately and it is definitely different having a little girl in the house. Suffice it to say we have been a bit exhausted and not much extra time to write. We had forgotten what it was like to have a toddler again!

We have two weeks before school starts and much has changed at Central this summer. A new addition to the main building, new coffee house and I have another new office. It all looks great and we are excited about the added classroom space and expanded cafeteria.

Two of our students have left for their first term in China. They will be studying the language for the next 2-3 years. Please keep then in your prayers as they adjust with two small children in a foreign land.

We will be leaving tomorrow for the Mississippi Valley Christian Service Camp for a weekend retreat. I will be holding two sessions on cell groups. The leaders are Ben & Jennifer Suchman, two former students at CCCB. There will be about 50 adults who are currently involved in small groups and want help with outreach among their members.

Our small group that meets in our home on Tuesdays has been going well and two old friends from High School have been coming, Mark Copenhaver and Stephanie Crutcher. It has been really good to renew our past friendship after 20 years!

We will try and post more regularly as our lives adjust to a new schedule. Thank you so much for keeping Raena in your prayers. We can certainly see the evidence of it!

1 comment:

Scott said...

thanks for the update! see you thursday!