Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Light At The End Of The Thermometer

For the last month, we have had a household of sickness. Raena began the onslaught with influenza and it has gone to Dezi and the boys and me and now it is starting over with Raena again. She has a high fever and 4 out of 7 of us are still coughing the night away. I have even missed classes these past two days and I'm running out of mission films to show in my absence! With all the traveling we have done recently and the Missouri weather that changes every few minutes, it has been hard to find time to rest, heal or recover. It is sad we have to get to the point in our lives where sickness intervenes as something good in that it says "ENOUGH!", and only when we are sick do we not feel guilty about not doing enough or doing more. There are times when God wants us to merely rest. To recoup. To find our strength in him. But to do that, we have to just stop. I am hoping that after we recover from this long lasting flu, we will make the time to just rest and to just 'be'. Not feeling like we have to fill every minute with tasks or deeds. That we can spend time with the Lord and feel better because of it.

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