Monday, June 30, 2008

The Behavior VS. The Heart

So many times we get down on people because of their behavior. We judge them and try to 'help' them correct it at best or condemn them and avoid them at worst. However, we are missing the real issue. There is something missing in their hearts. And perhaps in ours as well.

Love is not complete. Have you read I Corinthians 13 lately? Have you read it out of the context of a wedding? Have you read it as if the Bible said "they will know we are his disciples by our love?"

Love... reaches the heart. Changes their behavior. Changes our perspective. Love others as you would have them love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ya, love seems uncommon most of the times, unfortunatly. I criticize myself most of all because I know that I don't love like I always should. But I was thinking about the Love of Christ the other day, nothing can stop it, it is like an unstopable force, like a tsunami only it doesn't kill, maybe a tsunami of love.