Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Great News on the Adoption!

The past two days have been going so quickly it has been hard to get time to put this update in. We were going to ask you to pray over the court date that was moved up from June 20th to today, June 8th and yet, with the time difference, Ted Skiles has already written and said that it went well.

In his own words, "“Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.” Proverbs 25:25

We’ve been back from court for about an hour. Things went very well, except for the slight dressing down I got for being so “Ji” (in a hurry if you don’t recognize this romanization ). Anyway, the judge was pretty nice about it, but he said he hoped this wouldn’t happen again as they have so many cases to deal with. I assured him that we don’t try to push like this normally, but that Raena’s case was special!

Anyway, after all was said and done, he said he would speed it up. I actually expect to receive her first paper sometime next week and her final paper the next, so Raena could be ready to go by the end of June, Lord willing."

This is really good news and the only thing we need to receive now is approval from INS here in the U.S. We called the agent this morning to find that she had retired and all her cases were being handled elsewhere and that it may take time. After explaining Raena's medical condition, they said they would try and expedite it. Once her visa is approved, and Ted receives both papers from the Judge, we can send Dezi over to Taiwan to pick her up! Praise the Lord and keep praying!!

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