Monday, June 19, 2006

So close but yet...

We really, really need everyone to pray right now. We actually have a reserved ticket this Friday for Dezi to fly out to go pick up Raena, yet we haven't been successful in resolving the issue with the Dept. of Homeland Security. It appears our Home Study preparer is not on the licensed Child Placement Agency list for the State of Missouri and that is the hold up. It wasn't an issue with our previous agent but now is the one thing holding it up. Without this approval, Raena will not be allowed in the US. We have been calling various agenices but have yet to find one who will sign off on the home study in a timely manner. Some want 6 months of process and insane amount of fees. This is a huge roadblock for us and only God can give us a way through. His grace is sufficient and we need you to pray for us right now.


The Echols said...

We're praying.

Woodland Path Quilts said...

Dear Mike and Dezi:
I was in Taiwan last year with Alex Cobb and the group from Bettendorf Church.....I also have two adopted daughters from South America. We ran into the same problem and almost exactly the same sequence. We ended up calling our congressman who finally was able to push things through for us....Also had to call the state department for children and family services and talked to the person in charge of adoptions within our state. It did take a few [lots] of phone calls.....but it the long run the perservence was well worth it. If you need to talk or call me, please fell free to do so.
Jeanie Hess
Davenport Iowa

Woodland Path Quilts said...

I forgot to mention that I have a special spot in my heart for children adopted internationally and will continue to be praying for you........
God's speed and blessings to your family!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for all of you!