Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mike's Father, Sister, Nephew & Dog

Today we took my Dad down to Boone County Hospital to have two more stents inserted in ateries by his heart. They were 90% blocked. The procedure went very well and he is doing great. This should give him more strength and be less strenous for him to walk. He should be home on Wednesday. Thank you for praying for him since his heart attack in May.

Please be in prayer for my nephew and his wife, Kyle & Tracy Worstell. They had a premature son two weeks ago and the doctors are unable to stablize his condition. They are waiting for Kyle to return from serving in the Navy to take the child off of life support which will be some time today. It is taking the family pretty hard so please keep Tim & Kylene in your prayers as well.

My sister, Lillie Schoville, is flying in this weekend to spend a week with my folks. She will be staying at our home yet we will be gone on a family vacation with the Fincher family. We are looking forward to some quality time with our boys before their little sister arrives. Lillie will also be able to watch our dog Hunny, aka. Tripod. She was hit by a truck a couple of weeks ago and has lost the use of a hind leg. She's doing great though! She's taught us a valuable lesson that no matter how difficult things can get, you can just be thankful that you still have 3 legs to stand on.

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