Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Possible Resolution... or from Despair to Hope!

The last two days have been the most trying yet in the adoption process. We were informed by the Dept. of Homeland Security that our home study was being rejected because of the preparer not being licensed in the State of Missouri for Child Placement. The home study is the most crucial part of the process as it is used in every step. It is also one of the biggest expenses other than traveling to pick up the child. This was a devastating realization and we were on the phone for hours trying to find a way. We had to come to the point where God alone would work it out and for us to have the patient and peace that would calm our spirit. During the myriad of phone calls, we actually called the Director of Child Placement for the State and he was visiting an adoption agency called the Love Basket. It was an agency initially recommended to us and their director talked to me on the phone and said they would try and help us out. True to his word, he called a few hours later and said that he personally would conduct the requirements and come to our home in the morning to do the in home survey. He came this morning as promised and after 3 hours of interviewing and another walk through in our home, he said he will rush the process and we should have a new approved home study by Wednesday of next week!!! What could have been a disaster has turned out only costing us about 2 weeks. Once the Dept. of Homeland Security receives the new home study, they also have promised to rush it and if all is in order, will approve our request for Raena's visa immediately.

Now, we are going to patiently wait until we get the news that the home study is approved and then arrange for Dezi's flight and we are anticipating it could be as early as next Friday now. We have had a family vacation planned for the first week in July for almost a year and were hoping to bring Raena along. We will have to wait and see what transpires for now.

Thank you so much for your prayers. We have coveted them and are thankful for the many emails we have gotten encouraging us. It was especially comforting to know that there are other adoptive parents out there who have gone through similar circumstances. There has also been an outpouring of very generous friends and family who realized the extra costs of another home study as well as the travel we are expecting and return ticket of Raena too. We thank God daily for your thoughtfulness.

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